Consumer empathy for brands that soar

We offer human behavior clarity for smart decisions, in a multi-layered reality of escalating complexity .

We help you make sense of every expression of human ecosystems: needs, desires, motivations, choices, behaviors.

What people say is only part of the story…

What people show, create, choose, sing and draw completes the picture…

Βranding is also cultural.

Exploring people since 1995 using social science

More than 4000 focus groups
For more than 300 brands
In more than 15 countries




Cultural Insights

Shopper Experience

Journey Mapping

Bring to Life Diaries

Consumer Safaris

Eye Tracking

Behavioral Economics

Social media Expertise

Complexity and information overload make people’s choices only partly conscious.

Left Brain

Looks at parts

Right Brain

Looks at wholes

We decode both left and right brain decision making.

Creating clarity out of human complexity

Ηow consumers construct MEANING

How do consumers construct meaning out of their experiences? How do they react to stimuli, how do they filter them and how do they develop mindsets?

How consumers develop INTENTION

How do consumers come to a point where an intention is present that leads to a decision, to a choice? What are the triggers that bring about intention and desire?

How consumers develop preference, AFFINITY

Nowadays, how do consumers feel and express emotion, how do they engage and connect with product and brand experiences? When, where and how?

Number 1 in psychology

Agnes Mariakaki

is a best selling author and the top psychology influencer across all social media, from YouTube to TikTok and Instagram in Greece.

What we do differently

In times of disruption research must also be disruptive.

Dive beyond the obvious.

Explore beyond the spoken.

Multi layered methodologies.

Design Thinking

We are certified Lego Serious Play Facilitators for research.

We’ve been carrying out Design Thinking workshops for innovation since 2016.

Using eye tracking in research since 2012

We use eye tracking technology in a proprietary methodology, combining the eye journey with emotional impact explorations.

We are Dr. Paul Ekman certified in microexpressions since 2012.

Our clients

We understand what creates affinity with people


followers on YouTube


followers on TikTok


followers on Instagram

Post lockdown Agnes Mariakaki has been popularizing the science of psychology, successfully, through social media and through a book now in its 14th printing.

What’s new

ΤΕDxAthens: Already your best self

Career Day by Karriera: Generation gaps at work

CR Conference: Psychological Distress

ERT Studio 4: Relationships

Delphi Economic Forum: Learning from Failure

Women in Business Forum: Receptivity to change